Monique Mathlener

Meet mr. M.A. (Monique) Lacasa



Monique specializes in advising and litigating on dismissal law, special clauses and conditions of employment, triangular relationships (in the temporary employment industry), collective bargaining law, co-determination and absenteeism.


  • Monique is a member of the Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN);
  • President of networking club Business Open.


Monique Lacasa studied Dutch Law at Erasmus University in Rotterdam from 2006 to 2011. After this Bachelor study, Monique continued her study career with two masters: private and criminal law. In 2019, she also passed the postgraduate course in Labour Law at the Grotius Academy in Nijmegen. Monique has been working at Yur Lawyers since 2014.

mr. M.A. (Monique) Lacasa


The Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister)

Area of law according to the Bar Association: Labour law (arbeidsrecht)

These specialties are also registered under Article 35a of the Regulation on the Legal Profession in the Register of Legal Areas of the Dutch Bar Association. This registration requires me to obtain ten training points in each registered area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.

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